- 人工肛門造設患者{じんこう こうもん ぞうせつ かんじゃ}
patient who has a colostomy 意味
- "patient waiting room" 意味
- "patient wanting night visits" 意味
- "patient wanting to die to end his agony" 意味
- "patient who failed prior therapy" 意味
- "patient who fails into one of the high-risk groups" 意味
- "patient who has favus" 意味
- "patient who has had part of the stomach surgically removed" 意味
- "patient who has recurrent disease" 意味
- "patient who is dependent on opioids" 意味
- "patient who failed prior therapy" 意味
- "patient who fails into one of the high-risk groups" 意味
- "patient who has favus" 意味
- "patient who has had part of the stomach surgically removed" 意味